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Allegion honored with 2 SEAL Awards for environmental initiatives

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Allegion has been honored with two 2024 SEAL Business Sustainability Awards for environmental initiatives in one of our U.S. distribution centers as well as one of our fire-rated glass manufacturing facilities.

"Integration and Impact are the watchwords of the 2024 SEAL Sustainability Awards. This year, we've seen an impressive synthesis of technology, design and innovation combined to drive sustainable impact," said Matt Harney, founder and chair of SEAL Awards. "Alongside the critical need for organizations to dedicate real investment and human capital into environment, social and governance (ESG), the holistic approach of these award winners is imperative to keep driving progress."

SEAL, which stands for sustainability, environmental achievement and leadership, is an environmental advocacy organization that honors leadership through its business sustainability awards and environmental journalism awards.

Allegion was first honored by SEAL for leadership, innovation and commitment to sustainability with a 2022 award for a sustainable water project at two manufacturing facilities in Mexico. This year, we were recognized for two projects that reduce our environmental impact: a logistics reconfiguration that reduces cargo shipments to one of our distribution centers in Kansas and a major glass recycling initiative at our facility in Washington. 

The distribution center in Olathe, Kansas, reduced the number of shipping containers used annually by up to 55%, cutting both emissions associated with transportation operations and shipping costs.

The efficiency improvements allow us to drop more than 100 containers a year, which translates to about 486 metric tons of scope 3 carbon dioxide equivalents annually — aligning with our long-term ESG commitments, which include reducing greenhouse gas emissions rates.

In 2022, Allegion’s Logistics team identified that shipping containers coming from a particular supplier were only 60 to 70% full, prompting a cross-functional productivity initiative to change master carton sizes and configurations to fully optimize pallets and shipping container cubes.

Allegion honored with 2 SEAL Awards for environmental initiatives

“The success of this project showcases the dedication and collaborative efforts of our teams in driving sustainability and operational efficiency within one of Allegion's key distribution centers,” said Anthony McBride, Allegion’s vice president of environment, health and safety (EHS) and remediation. “By achieving significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and shipping costs, Allegion sets a positive example for other organizations striving for environmental responsibility.”

In Snoqualmie, Washington, TGP implemented a recycling project that reduces the amount of scrap fire-rated glass that goes to the landfill by about 280,000 pounds a year.

The facility manufactures fire-rated glass for doors and windows that requires a special ceramic containing lithium carbonate, a precious element with properties that allow it to withstand extreme heat and is only available from a few suppliers worldwide. For years, TGP has been looking for a way to recycle the glass but had difficulty finding a market. 

Through a new agreement, TGP will send crates of scrap glass back to the supplier roughly twice a year to be melted and remade into the ceramic the company supplies. The ceramic has an endless lifecycle, meaning it can be recycled as many times as necessary.

The initiative will move us toward our ESG goals for waste diversion, including a 20% reduction in waste-to-landfill by 2030. 

“We recognize the importance of finding sustainable solutions and minimizing our environmental impact,” McBride said. “This project's success reflects the dedication and collaboration of the teams involved, demonstrating their commitment to responsible environmental practices.”

For more information on the 2024 SEAL Business Sustainability Award winners, visit https://sealawards.com/sustainability-award-2024/