In the security and access industry, Allegion is a pioneer. Our brands are synonymous with quality and have established leadership positions in their markets. In fact, they have roots in businesses that date back to 1750, with many inventing their respective product categories.
With a legacy like this, we’re propelled to continue shaping security and access in an increasingly connected world. Our pioneering spirit presents itself in many ways, not the least of which are providing early adopters with some of the first security solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and working with leading industry organizations to advance codes and standards.
Promoter and board status with CSA
Most recently, Allegion has been named a Promoter Member of the Connectivity Standards Alliance (the Alliance) and, with this elevated status, now has a seat on the Alliance Board of Directors.
The Alliance is made up of more than 600 companies creating, maintaining and delivering open global standards for the IoT. As a part of this organization, Allegion helps develop and promote those standards expected to improve user experiences in smart home and smart building ecosystems.
“Allegion and our team of experts have been long-time supporters and active members of the Alliance—and we look forward to this new level of collaboration with other industry leaders who share our passion for responsibly shaping the future of connectivity,” said Allegion Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Vince Wenos. “As a company committed to enabling seamless and secure access for our customers, we believe open standards and interoperability will be key drivers of innovation, ultimately improving user experiences and increasing adoption of smart technologies.”
Allegion Director of Global Technology, Connectivity and Sensing Ryan Kincaid will hold our Alliance Board seat. Kincaid has more than 20 years of experience producing customer-driven technology solutions through new product development, engineering and advanced development.
“With this added role in the Alliance, we’ll expand Allegion’s leadership in and influence on the future of the IoT,” Kincaid said. “It’s an exciting and evolving space, and I’m proud to say Allegion is investing here. Our company has an opportunity to make meaningful contributions that will be combined and amplified with those of our partners to truly create seamless experiences in people’s everyday lives. This will encompass security and access, but it’s also broader than that.”
Alliance President and CEO Tobin Richardson also commented, “The Alliance’s Promoter members represent industry leaders with unique perspectives. We welcome Allegion to the Alliance Board, reaffirming their commitment to interoperability while collaboratively driving growth in IoT. Across the Alliance’s working groups, their expertise in security and access solutions is critical to harmonizing connected ecosystems.”
People, passion and more partnerships
When you look at our long-standing history of participating in collaborative groups, you can clearly see the Allegion team is passionate about partnering. The growth of the IoT and emerging technologies, in particular, has made this collaboration even more important.